Canine Personality Test

Your dog’s personality profile, also Known as Canine Personality Profile (CPP) 

To help you understand how to approach your dog's training, we developed Volhard’s Personality Profile for  Dog. The Profile catalogs ten behaviors in each drive that influence the dog's responses and which are useful  to us in training. The ten behaviors chosen are those that most closely represent the strengths of the dog in  each of the drives. The Profile does not pretend to include all behaviors seen in a dog, nor the complexity of  their interaction. Although it is an admittedly crude index of your dog’s behavior, you will find it surprisingly  accurate.  

The results of the Profile will give you a better understanding of why your dog is the way he is and the most  successful way to train him. You can then make use of his strengths, avoid needless confusion and greatly  reduce the time it takes to train him.  

There is an online version the CPP at  

Evaluating the Profile  

When completing the Profile, keep in mind that it was devised for a house dog or pet with an enriched  environment, perhaps even a little training, and not a dog tied out in the yard or kept solely in a kennel --  such dogs have fewer opportunities to express as many behaviors as a house dog. Answers should indicate  those behaviors your dog would exhibit if he had not already been trained to do otherwise. For example, did  he jump on people to greet them, or jump on the counter to steal food, before he was trained not to do so?  The fight part of the defense drive does not fully express itself until the dog is mature, around two to four  years of age, depending on the breed, although you may see tendencies toward those behaviors earlier.  Young dogs tend to exhibit more flight behaviors than older dogs. 

© 1993 Wendy Volhard  

Link for Canine Personality Profile Test below 

Learn more about your dog's test scores here.

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