We are a Non-Profit organization run entirely by volunteers. If you've been moved by a visit from us, or are touched by our cause, please consider donating; every little bit helps us reach out to more people.
Canines For Christ is always looking for people to help with our mission of GIVING:
Therapy Teams: There is an ongoing need for people with a beloved pet who would love to share their time with those in need of visits from a caring therapy team. The need for this service is rapidly growing, with more types of facilities making requests. You and your therapy dog can visit libraries, scout troops, hospitals, assisted living facilities, schools, etc. We can provide you with low-cost training.
Trainers: As we grow and add classes we are looking for a few people - experienced or not - to assist in training therapy teams. We are not, however, in a position to pay anyone as a trainer. We are an all volunteer organization. We will provide you with training, the only requirement is that you are a member in good standing with Canines For Christ of Southwest Ohio.
B.A.R.C counselors: Our new service is looking to expand and we are in need to add a few counselors to help troubled dog owners keep their family pet where it belongs "with the family!" We will provide you with training, the only requirement is that you are a member in good standing with Canines For Christ of Southwest Ohio. We do not charge for this service, but donations to the organization are appreciated.