Dog Therapy Class

Welcome to Canines for Christ of Southwest Ohio dog therapy course information. We offer two different levels of training classes; Level 1 & Level 2. 

Level 1 runs 4 weeks long and Level 2 runs for 5 week. The basic outline of the training that will be covered each week can be viewed below.

Ascension & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and watch for emails regarding weather-related updates about our class schedule. Any cancellations due to winter weather will also be posted on the Fox19 Closings & Delays website. Thank you!

Which class should you and your dog take?

Level 1 Class

If your dog has not taken any training or behavioral courses level one would be for you.

Level 2 Class

If your dog is a minimum of 1 years old and has had some prior training experience (sit, stay, & walk with a leash), level 2 class would be for you.

Saturday, February 22nd (4 Week Session)

Level 1: 10am-11am

Ascension & Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

334 Burns Ave. 

Wyoming, OH 45215

Canines Good Citizens Testing & Therapy Team evaluations are also available in Hillsboro, OH 45133

You can schedule this via Four Seasons Pet Resorts. Therapy dog training classes are available on a need bases.

8094 OH-73, Hillsboro, OH 45133, USA  

Contact Info


Phone #: (937) 393-9611 

Tentative 2025 Class Schedule 

Level 2: March 22nd- April 26th

(Easter Weekend No Class April 19th) 

Level 1: May 10th-May 31st/June 7th

Level 1 Class Session Curriculum 

Week 1: Introduction overview of Canines for Christ & Training guidelines

Walking Basics 

Warm-up: Stay & Recall

Week 2: 

Warm-up: Slow, Stay distance, Figure 8, Leave it 

Recall with Treats

Discussion Topic: Behavior Issues

Week 3: 

Warm-up: About Turn, Walk through crowd, stay distractions, figure 8 with treats, heel pattern

Week 4: 

Warm-Up: Friendly stranger, figure 8 switch dogs, stay in a group, heel pass dogs 

Test Out

(Level 1 can be repeated as many times as needed)

Level 2 Class Session Curriculum 

Requirements for Level 2:

Dog Must be minimum of 1 years old.

Dogs must Sit, Stay & Walk with Leash 

Week 1: Introduction overview of Canines for Christ & Training guidelines

Warm-up: sit, slow dog pass through crowd

Stay: group

Figure 8, Heel Pattern, Leave it

Week 2: 

Warm-up: About turn & address friendly stranger

Stay: With Distractions 

Figure 8 with treats, Recall, Heel Pattern with treats

Discussion Topic: Grooming & Handling 

Week 3: 

Warm-up: Sit Circle

Blind Stay

Back-up, heel pattern: pass dogs

Discussion Topic: Visiting & CFC Policies & Procedures 

Week 4: 


Figure 8 off Leash 

Target Training 

Discussion Topic: CFC Procedures for the Mentee & Mentor Process 

Week 5


Figure 8 off Leash 

Target Training 

Canine Good Citizen Testing